Never edit short-form content again With Dumme AI.

Dumme is an innovative platform that supports videos and podcasts on all major platforms, regardless of their length or content type. With Dumme, you can say goodbye to the tedious task of manually searching for the best moments in your content. Instead, Dumme’s cutting-edge technology can automatically identify and extract the most exciting segments of your videos and podcasts while preserving their context and structure.

What is Dumme and Why is it Good?

Just like a skilled editor, Dumme crafts high-quality clips and shorts that are sure to captivate your audience. With options to add captions, descriptions, and titles, you can easily customize your content and showcase it on any platform you prefer. Whether you’re a content creator or a business owner, Dumme can save you time and energy by automating the tedious process of finding and editing the best parts of your videos.

Depending on the length of your video, Dumme can generate a range of clips that are sure to impress. A shorter video may result in 6-12 clips, while a longer podcast could produce even more. By using advanced AI technology, Dumme is able to analyze your content and identify the most engaging moments, whether it’s an insightful conversation or a thrilling exchange.

Overall, Dumme is a game-changer for anyone who wants to create compelling video content without the hassle. With its user-friendly interface and intelligent algorithms, Dumme can help you take your content to the next level and stand out in today’s competitive digital landscape.

When Will Dumme Be Released Out Of Beta?

Dumme is currently in closed beta with Y-combinator, however, you can join their Discord channel by requesting early access. Inside you will have access to the latest announcements, rules, and chat rooms to talk with other people waiting on Dumme.

In the month of June 2023, Dumme opened the doors to a few beta testers. Lucky for TechSmartAI we were one of them so we have had the chance to test out this new short AI video editor for platforms like YouTube, TikTok and Instagram.

The Dumme Ai Short Editor has run into some ‘start-up’ teething problems such as running into capacity issues for creating content so there have been a few testers moaning in the discord chats but the Dumme support is on top form answering every question whilst keeping us updated on what is going on. The issue of the platform being at capacity will be solved by the 10th of June as they upgrade and add more server power.

Dumme AI Short Editor Review

Pretty damn good on my first impressions. All you do is open a new project, paste a link from Youtube or upload a video and Dumme will begin turning that content into shorts like magic.

Here is an example.

You can see that this short was created using one of Steve Bartlett’s podcasts on Diary of a CEO. This was auto-generated by AI. It’s crazy to think that we don’t really need a video editor to now edit our long-form content into shorts. Dumme took the video URL and turn this 2-hour podcast into 40 single shorts ranging from 15-1 minute long.

By the way, this podcast is a must-listen-to if you are interested in AI or simply just interested in the future of your life – EMERGENCY EPISODE: Ex-Google Officer Finally Speaks Out On The Dangers Of AI! – Mo Gawdat | E252

I honestly think that Dumme is the best way to turn long-form content into videos for TikToks, Youtube shorts and Instagram Reels at the moment. Im sure another competitor will appear and I look forward to testing them out.

What Is The Price Of Dumme?

Currently, the price of using Dumme to automatically edit your short with Ai is free to beta users. I have spoken to the guy at Dumme and there will be a pricing model coming soon but it will be once they have overcome startup teething problems and figured out the best way for scaling.

What is the best AI video editor to create shorts?

Youtube shorts and Tiktok shorts are still relatively new features to the platform yet, there are a few companies that can help you quickly turn long video content into shorts automatically.

I will list them below, though I believe Dumme is the best with their unique way of editing.

Number 1:
Number 2:
Number 3: TBC

FAQ About Dumme Video Short Ai Editor

Who can benefit from using Dumme?

Dumme can benefit a wide range of users and organizations, including mid-sized businesses, small businesses, enterprises, freelancers, non-profits, and government agencies.

Which language is supported by Dumme in their product?

Dumme currently supports only the English language in their product.

What types of support does Dumme provide?

Dumme provides support through online channels. You can join their Discord channel with all the latest information via the Dumme website.

Which applications or services does Dumme integrate with?

Dumme currently integrates with Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

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